Logo RSE - Peech Studio

Here at Peech Studio, we believe that it is our responsibility to not only provide high quality services to our clients, but also to have a positive impact on our community and our environment. On this page, you’ll find information about the various initiatives and programs we’ve implemented to achieve this goal. From our sustainability efforts to our employee outreach programs, we are committed to making a difference.

Why is this so important to us ?

As a young agency with a strong environmental awareness, implementing a CSR policy at Peech Studio was important to us. Social, environmental and economic responsibility must be a concern for today’s companies. That’s why we have to act on our scale for a sustainable future.

How did we set it up ?

We chose, as our starting point, the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the UN. Then, in line with the values of our agency and its employees, we identified 6 areas on which we wanted to focus. We then drew up a list with our current practices and defined precise short and medium-term objectives to improve, and measure our progress.

Good health and well-being at work

Working in a pleasant environment and ensuring the satisfaction of employees is at the heart of Peech’s goals.
Managers’ having trust in their teams is a source of fulfillment and enrichment. The interpersonal skills of each person are essential, in order to work in a spirit of openness and co-construction. Employee recognition is also important at Peech.
The career path of each employee is key, allowing for reciprocal development between employee and manager. Individual interviews are regularly organized (every quarter) in order to discuss this matter.

A pleasant working environment and economic growth

Transparency is a strong value for our founders. All hands meetings with the whole team are organized every six months, in which the founders share the results and the objectives of the agency.
Being an international agency (France, India, Belgium), the founders are open to collaborating on projects in another country.

Education and inclusion

Respect and understanding of each culture is a source of enrichment at Peech. As such, inter-country exchanges are organized every year with our Indian offices.
Gender equality is a central concern at Peech for all positions including management positions.

Our tools and partnerships to achieve our objectives

Surrounding ourselves with partners that contribute to the success of our objectives seemed to us to be a wise idea. To start, we give all our employees the opportunity make a donation to a non-profit organization. Each month, Peech will contribute the same amount as the one chosen by the employee.

Local and responsible consumption

Responsible consumption is a priority at Peech. Our young and dynamic team is committed to consuming well while limiting waste.
Reusable to go boxes are available to pick up food at take away restaurants.
Our kitchen is fully equipped for cooking We use washable dishes (cups, cutlery…).
For our video shoots, we use rechargeable batteries.

Measures to do our part fighting climate change

We are convinced that each one of us has a role to play in the necessary changes that need to be made to fight climate change and protect the environment. That is why we are committed to implementing concrete actions.

What’s next ?

We are in the process of obtaining B-Corp accreditation so that our initiatives can be challenged, certified and recognized.