Animation video - Peech Studio

Dive into an infinite universe of creation with our animated videos!
Animated computer graphics, motion design, 3D animation and screencasting bring all your content to life, and we are always pushing our creativity further. You can count on unique and original content that represents you.
To find out more, click here.

PowerPoint is a good start, but animated infographics have more impact!

Present your information in a clear and dynamic way thanks to images, illustrations and original animations that highlight all your topics, even the most complex ones. This accessible and engaging format allows the creation of efficient visual aids, that you can share freely with all your stakeholders!


L'infographie animee - Peech Studio

Motion design : the art of bringing images to life

Motion design: the art of bringing images to life Today, it is impossible to ignore this content format, which is present on all communication media: social media, websites, video billboards, big screens, etc. This offer includes the design and production of videos combining text animation, 2D graphics and animation of graphic elements, which makes it compatible with all types of messages and objectives.


Service Motion Design Peech Studio

Enter a new communication dimension with 3D animation

3D animation is the cutting edge of animation: 3D modeling of 2D illustrations or real elements are a true added value for your content. For product or service presentations that immerse your viewer in the context you want and recreate movement as close to reality as possible, this is the medium you need !


La vidéo 3D - Peech Studio

From screenshot to screencast

You have probably already taken a screenshot on your computer. But did you know that it is possible to take a video screenshot and integrate it into an animated video ? To illustrate your message, nothing is more efficient than using your own tools (documents, graphics, videos, photos, diagrams…)! And the best part is that you can integrate the screencast wherever you want, because with an animated video, everything is possible.


Screencast - Peech Studio