Video reseaux sociaux - Peech Studio

Worldwide, Internet users spend an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes per day on social media. These platforms are at the heart of consumers’ daily lives, and are the media of choice for efficient communication. You know them and use them every day: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Snapchat and TikTok are the most famous ones. They are the most relevant information channels for digital advertising.

On Social Media, advertising can quickly take a viral dimension. To promote the impact of your social media video content, it is therefore essential to adapt it to the social media of distribution. The most important thing to keep in mind when making a social media video is that your content only has a short time to capture the viewer’s attention. Scrolling, on the phone or the computer, is part of the digital communication game: surrounded by a flood of information and communication elements, your video will only have a few seconds to stand out and make the viewer want to stop and watch the whole content.
For pre-roll videos on Youtube, the principle is the same: the viewer has the choice to skip the video or not. By creating an inspiring and attractive video, you will encourage them to stay until the end.
To help you keep your viewers attentive to your messages, you can count on our creative teams, who are experts in digital communication. We will work with you right from the beginning, to design your content so that your digital ads and video ads will perfectly fit into the universe of your digital communication. By ensuring consistency in your content, you will create a “series” effect, a video format that is popular with the general public, and will engage them to follow your broadcasts.
Then, in the production phase, we will enhance your video with animated infographics, motion design, real images or copyright free stock images.
You will be able to feed your Social Media regularly and in a way that is appealing to your customers or collaborators, while also varying the type of videos posted. Your Social Media will then be a place where you sometimes push product video, other times interviews, or video storytelling, and so on…

The Peech Studio bonus tip: Remember to stay flexible ! As the Internet target is constantly solicited by advertising on all media, it is important to offer them an entertaining and, above all, practical content. It is not easy to watch a horizontal video on a smartphone, it is much better to scroll vertically. At Peech Studio, we are agile when it comes to adapting a video to different formats or timings. Because yes, it is important to reduce the duration of a long video for social media. With the average attention span rarely exceeding 1 minute, here too, you can trust our experts to adapt everything!”